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Home >> News >> How to Measure Kitchen Cupboards
How to Measure Kitchen Cupboards,measure kitchen cupboards,installing new cupboards,remodeling existing cupboards,How to Measure,Measure the height,upper cupboards,lower cupboards,new cabinets,empty cupboard,the bottom of the cupboard
How to Measure Kitchen Cupboards (July 22, 2010)
How to Measure Kitchen Cupboards
Learning how to correctly measure kitchen cupboards is important if you are planning to install new cupboards or refinishing existing ones. When installing new cupboards, you need to make sure the new cupboards will fit in the allotted space. If you are remodeling existing cupboards, the right measurements will help you make sure you purchase the correct amounts of needed products, such as paint or trim.
Step 1
Get a pencil and paper to write down all your measurements.
Step 2
Measure the length. Take this measurement along the bottom of the cupboard, from one corner to the other.
Step 3
Measure the height on upper cupboards. Find the flattest surface of each cupboard and measure from the bottom of the cupboard to the top. Do not include the soffit at this time.
Step 4
Measure the height on lower cupboards. Beginning at the floor, bring the measuring tape up until it reaches the top of the lower cupboards.
Step 5
Empty the cupboards. You have to measure the inside as well, and empty cuboards will ensure an accurate measurement.
Step 6
Measure the cupboard depth. With the empty cupboard open, measure the bottom shelf by extending the measuring tape from the front until the tip of it hits the back wall.
Step 7
Measure the soffit, or the area between the top of your cupboard and the ceiling. If you are planning to install new cabinets, this measurement will determine how low the new cabinets will hang.
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